Thursday 30 January 2014

I have a name

I have a name before my diagnose which is Cri Du Chat or 5P- or Cry of the Cat or CDC for short.  I have families that respect me for me who haven’t meet me but have heard of me through facebook to them I am a hero.  Sure sometimes my body doesn’t work the way that it is meant to but I still have a brain that still works.  I don’t consider myself to be a hero because what I do is try and spread my life story, yes I have had my struggles and ups and downs in my life but I have stayed true to the person that I am and the person I want to be.  I have known some families for about four years and I know their CDC child’s name, how many brothers and sisters they have, where they live and how old they are and when their birthdays are. When I first started this journey of self discovery to search for families who have children with CDC, I didn’t realise that how many families I would be helping over the years, for me it isn’t hard work trying to reach out to families who haven’t heard of the 5P- Society in America, The Australian support group or any other facebook groups that they might join.  I don’t turn anyone away just because they a different race or if their child is more serve than I am because I am trying to help them understand what CDC is all about and here are some quotes that I have written over the past four years and I am going to write some quotes when I can think of some more.

I am a daughter, sister, person living with a disability, an aunt, a friend, a granddaughter, a niece, a girlfriend, an inspiration, a role model, an adult, I am a cook and a member of society, a cousin, a volunteer and a light in this world, a fur mama to Fanta. I am all of these things and so much more. I have CRI DU CHAT SYNDROME!!!

If you wiped out people with disabilities there wouldn’t be any colour in the world any more only black and white and we need to have colour in the world in order to show each other love and compassion and understanding for one another.

To all my wonderful CDC families make your children's/teens/adults achievements and milestones into tulips from Holland. Pick a tulip and put it on your kitchen bench and let the sunlight grow each of those tulips. Yes you will get some dying tulips along the way but some tulips will be everlasting throughout their lives.